The daily chronicle of my family as we embark on our quest to relocate from New York to Cairo... the impending journey to get there and the daily lives of myself, my husband and our four children... and other random thoughts while living in Cairo!
Looking to make contact with other Muslimahs who are like myself with small children living or will be living in a foreign country.
I invite you to share the experience with us as we try to make this happen!

Well, since I posted the link to the original, disturbing story concerning the lives of foreign workers and other expats over in the UAE, our brother over at One Root has posted some more information in regards to this- and have included some video from the KSA.
I must say, my concern with the original story was the lives of the workers... not those who foolishly go over there and run up debt without common sense and are not "informed" of the laws of that country so let's be clear on that. Before anybody embarks on the quest to relocate anywhere, they should familiarize themselves with the laws of that country or at least be with people who can tell you the "dos" and "donts" of the land...
To read his new post, click here and to read his original post, click here.

I have come to realize within the past few weeks that I have an addiction.... yes, addicted to Haagen Dazs. I've tried to sub with the mall Carvel ice cream (which isn't tasty... more like some sort of ice milk) and nothing will satisfy my cravings for my favorite brand. I've checked all the markets already- including the biggest one around, Carrefour- there the ice cream selections are just plain weird and NOT very appealing... at all.
Can someone PLEASE tell me where to find my love in Cairo??? If I can't get to an actual store where the selections and toppings can NOT be compared, I'll settle most definitely for frozen...
It's gotten so bad that even when I look at my kids Hershey's chocolate sauce in the fridge, I start itching for ice cream... sick, right? All the "little" things we take for granted.... sigh. I need help..... please...... somebody! ;)

Well, as we all know by now, I don't have much time to post lately.... and I really don't have much going on to post anything interesting but I did have the chance earlier today to sit down and read a few.... our brother over at One Root posted a mind-numbing story about the "real" lives over the in UAE. I know many people are sooooo fascinated by the sick wealth, glitz and glamour that most people especially alot of our Muslim brothers and sisters, can only talk about moving there... as if THAT place is the end-all, be-all.
If you read his post and STILL feel like you wanna pack your bags and go live amongst the masses in that desert oasis, then I personally feel you need some serious pyscho therapy... may Allah (SWT) bring relief to those suffering at the hands of their oppressors, InshaAllah (Ameen)
To read the stomach-churning post, click here